Antisquad Tactics Premium 2.05 Apk + Data + Mod
April 28, 2018
The critically-acclaimed colorful turn-based combat game AntiSquad Tactics Premium 2.05 (full) finally got an update and is available for free download. The Mod offers money so it may help you in your quest. The game is somewhat a combination of the cartoon world military aesthetic of Team Fortress 2 and the tactical squad combat of games like XCOM Enemy Unknown. The gameplay is basic; you tap to move and tap on enemies to select your attack, etc.
Download links
Install Apk, Extract SD DATA and copy ‘com.insgames.antisquad.premium’ folder to sdcard/Android/obb and play!
Minimum Requirements:
– Android 4.0 or higher
– 1 GB of RAM or higher
– CPU 1000 MHz or higher
– at least 200 MB of free space to download game
– at least 800 MB of free space to install the game